Evolutionary Computation Lab.
We are studying evolutionary computation (EC) as optimization methods. EC can be seen as multi-agent systems if we consider who execute its procedures such as fitness evaluation, crossover, and mutation. The table below shows the classification of EC as multi-agent systems. Our laboratory conducts not only researches on standard EC and interactive EC, which are the mainstreams of EC researches, but researches on human-based EC and systems utilizing simulations of human-based EC as well.

標準的な進化計算の研究 (Studies on Standard Evolutionary Computation) | モデルベース遺伝的アルゴリズム (Model-based Genetic Algorithms) |
インタラクティブ進化計算の研究 (Studies on Interactive Evolutionary Computation) | インタラクティブ進化計算ユーザの好みの気づきの活用 (Utilization of Awareness of Tastes for Interactive Evolutionary Computation Users) |
人間ベース進化計算の研究 (Studies on Human-based Evolutionary Computation) | 人間ベース進化計算システムの開発 (Developing Human-based Evolutionary Computation Systems) |
人間ベース進化計算のシミュレーションを活用する研究 (Studies on Systems Utilizing Simulations of Human-based Evolutionary Computation) | マルチ人間エージェント型進化計算 (Multi-human-agent-based Evolutionary Computation) |
その他 (Other Studies) | 形態形成アルゴリズム (Morphogenetic Algorithms) |